Money Power
Consider the following quote and place your thoughts:
The principal power in Washington is no longer the government or the people it represents. It is the Money Power. Under the deceptive cloak of campaign contributions, access and influence, votes and amendments are bought and sold. Money established priorities of action, holds down federal revenues, revises federal legislation, shifts income from the middle class to the very rich. Money restrains the enforcement of laws written to protect the country from abuses of wealth--laws that mandate environmental protection, antitrust laws, laws to protect the consumer against fraud, laws that safeguard the securities markets, and many more.
Richard N. Goodwin - Speechwriter for John F. Kennedy
True in some aspects. I believe power overrides money because with power people feel they can do anything they want without any sort of accountability. They can do the greatest things but also the greatest evil acts.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
I believe there are many power hungry people in our nations capital. When you add in people with money to bribe these officials you get the greed of money making the people corrupt and no longer working for the good of the many. These people become so blind in power and money that they are only there to help the ones who keep feeding them more and more money. This is why I think we need to get many of these people out of the nations capital so that we can get people in there that are not owing these special interest groups.
Remember that money is the root of all evil.