Schooling and poverty
Is it useful to talk about poverty in a nation in which poverty levels have declined so dramatically in the last decade? Although Trinidad and Tobago currently reports relatively low poverty rates (17 per cent) and a GINI index measuring income inequality of 0.40, poverty and schooling are so intimately woven that they will remain key issues in the education reform agenda for some time yet. Ref. Source 7
The concept of poverty in Trinidad is quite different to the one I have when I lived in a South American country. Back home, I have seen kids go hungry....I mean, having nothing to eat. Here in Trinidad, PERSONALLY I have never seen a kid hungry. I am sure there are but I haven't noticed many. I am just talking with regards to food and not the rest. But going back to the topic, if kids are hungry they cannot be able to focus in school. There should be more support for these kind of children. I am glad they get a free meal at school.