What do you all think about the "Under god" Part of the Pledge of Allegiance? Was the Supreme Court correct in their decision?
"Under God" In The USA Pledge Of Allegiance? (Hover)
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%
This is from the same article.
Newdow "wishes to forestall his daughter's exposure to religious ideas that her mother, who wields a form of veto power, endorses," said Justice John Paul Stevens. "When hard questions of domestic relations are sure to affect the outcome, the prudent course is for the federal court to stay its hand rather than reach out to resolve a weighty question of federal constitutional law." |
He disputed the court's conclusion that he lacked standing because he had no legal interests at stake in the case. When his daughter's class is led in an observance of loyalty to a nation under God, Newdow said, "My daughter's told that I'm wrong (in my beliefs) every day in the public schools." |
Why are liberal Americans so zealous about getting "God " Out of the picture when it was God who put us here and gave us freedom in the first place? I do not want to turn this thread into a religious rant but it was religious, god fearing people that started America you can't change the roots of it all no matter how many laws you introduce.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 2 0.2%
In the original post this might have all just been a revenge tactic for personal interests and not really about the pledge. I mean for me this is such a trivial issue. If you don't believe in god then no problem, the rest of the words are still important.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 18 1.8%
Some people go so over the top with their views I swear their feet leaves the ground so their head can be in the clouds. Even if you don't like "God..." In the allegiance how does it 'damage' you for saying it? So much more to life than nitpicking.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 23 2.3%