Are Christian Girls Easier?
Is it true that Christian girls tend to be more 'Easy' than girls from other religions?
Easier for sex and possibly manipulation, possibly. We raise our young with values that are dear to us, we have a strong tendency to protect them from the things of the world. When they leave our side, they might not find it all so bad and evil, at first. We leave most of them unprepared to deal with a crafty, manipulative world of lust, envy and the entire onslaught of worldly enticements. What we would take as a nice smile in a church we knew from before, could now be hiding the snarl of a worldly, lusty life.
Without proper training, they are prone to do everything in excess, simply because we didn't speak enough about the dark side of life and it can take them by suprise, because we didn't do enough of showing them the abundant life that Jesus came to live, because we were too busy with our job or other things. Prayer has helped us bring our children to understand their place in life, and to recommit to Him as their savior and Lord.
I am assuming this question is primarily geared towards the US, so I will use their figures. In 2008, 76pct of the adults were Christian. Numerically speaking, this number by itself my give that appearance that Christian girls are easier, but the fact is that there is just more of them. Non Christians made up only 3.9 pct of the adult populous. There could be the same percentage of sexually promiscuous girls for each bracket, but the chances of you knowing enough people to actually know one that is a Non Christian is a lot slimmer than that of a Christian belief. You are actually more likely to know a agnostic or atheist that is sexually promiscuous than someone that believes in a Non Christian religion.
Also, the amount of abortions follows the percentage breakdown for religion. Christians have far more abortions as a percentage of abortions per year than Non Christians.
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For the vast majority of all that are religious, virginity is still held out as something that is to be only forsaken after marriage. Even though we, religious, are all taught this...many do not follow. It has nothing to do with the style or version of religion being taught. It has more to do with the human tendency to sin or fall into temptation.
So...are Christian girls easy? If you were in a night club with a standard US demographic of religions present and you asked 100 women to sleep with you and lets say that 1 percent of woman of each religion would agree to this, the overwhelming likelihood is you would find a Christian...since you will be asking 76 Christians, 4 Non Christians and 15 Non Believers (5% wouldn't tell you their religion).
I had a friend in college that used the statistical approach to temporary love finding. He was definitely the eternal optimist. He would get denied 99 times in a night, but then someone would say yes. By the way, he has now been divorced 4 times.
Name: Nicko
Comments: I have found christian girls non responsive to christian men; and far more open to unsaved men and what they give. Also they will be deliberately insincere about their feelings in order to get something. Which brings me to the conclusion; with regards to love, dating, attraction Christian girls and worldly girls are the same. They were rather an indecent proposal than a genuine interest.