Is Death A Precise Moment?
What are your thoughts about when a person actually dies? Is Death A Precise Moment? I was watching a documentary that said our organs remain in a semi dead state for many hours after our heart and lungs stop. There is the Hayflick Limit which says that cells can multiply up to 50 times after death. One thing that seems to prolong cell life is the cold, hence when people 'die' while falling through an ice lake they cn be revived again with little complications.
I think yes death is a precise moment but it is not a moment they we can actually measure. It would very person to person pending on health and cause of death.
The brain after 4 minutes at rest starts to die one enough of the brain dies there is no way back but how much of the brain has to die for you to not longer be there is a hard question. One that we as of this point do not know the answer to.