Catholic Pro-Life Group Notes Hypocrisy on Faith, Sotomayor Supreme Court Nod
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- A pro-life Catholic organization says there is hypocrisy in the debate over the nomination of judicial activist Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. While abortion advocates criticized the Catholic faith of Bush nominee Samuel Alito, they have no problem with Sotomayor's religious views. Yesterday, the White House confirmed Sotomayor's Catholic views. "Judge Sotomayor was raised as a Catholic and attends church for family celebrations and other important events," the White House said. Although she appears to not be a practicing Catholic, the media and her supporters have noted she will be the sixth Catholic on the Supreme Court. There has been no condemnation of Sotomayor's faith, but Brian Burch, the head of the pro-life group Fidelis, tells LifeNews.com that wasn't the case when the nominee came from a pro-life president and appeared to be someone who would issue rulings against abortion. "There was plenty of noise on the left when President Bush nominated Samuel Alito to serve on the Supreme Court, warning that he would become the fifth Catholic on the Court," he said. Ref. Source 9
If she makes it to the seat on the Court and makes a ruling in favor of abortion, she will likely be a former Catholic. I know she is already a judge and has probably made rulings in favor of abortion in the past, but on the grand stage of the US Supreme Court...the Vatican will not be able to let that slide.