Cheetah Strip Bar Suit
Just got this from FNC's Kelly's Court which is great for these kinds of cases. A man goes to Cheetah Strip Bar in Palm Beach Florida to 'relax' and instead ends up with him getting a bloody broken nose, double vision and headaches. The man leans in to get a closer look near the platform and smacks the female stripper on the butt and the stripper kicks him. She is ony 5'1" and 110lbs. What do you think, does he have a suit? Should she have kicked him?
Cheetah Strip Bar Suit (Hover)
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3231 100%
However, does that mean she has the right to kick them or shouldn't she just have called the bouncers to take care of him? Also from what I understand these girls are supposed to dance within a certain line of the stage where th men cannot touch them?
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3231 100%
Well funny thing is this is debatable on all grounds, especially because you refer to her as a "lady". If you are going on the moral stand point then they both won't doing anything upstanding. However, my main interest is the law. By kicking him was she defending herself or just simply taking revenge. I do not think she was defending herself in this case. Now, do not misunderstand, I'm not saying he is justified in what he did, but at the same time the action must warant the outcome.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3231 100%
I feel that he brought this on himself. HE went in there and while watching he leaned over and slapped her on her butt. By doing so she has the right to defend herself. Since she is a small gal she probably thought that the only way she was going to get him off her was to kick. I believe that this would hold up in court too. If she broke his nose then he should have learned a big life lesson. Look, do not touch.
OK, so you are going with the self-defense angle, but was she under attack? Or I should say does a slap on the butt warrant that? Does touching anyone mean that you can now break someone's nose?
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3231 100%
In self defense you have to show that you were in fear. Here we have this guy attacking a small woman by slapping her on the butt. Who says the last time someone did that they grabbed at her and pulled her unwillingly onto them. Now you have another person do this and so thinking she was in danger she kicked out to get away. That makes it justifiable. Last time I checked a small woman is no match for the average joe. She should not be charged in my book.