Death Penalty In Trinidad & Tobago
Do you feel that resumption of the Death Penalty In Trinidad & Tobago will help the crime rate to go down and alleviate over crowded prisons?
I have many concerns with regards to the Death penalty in the country. It is proven that those countries who have it implemented haven't seen a reduce in crime, however what I am more concerned about is whether or not we have the equipment and facilities to ensure DNA is tested, etc so no innocent people are put through a hanging and end up being innocent.
The current government seeks to amend the T&T Constitution in order to make the enforcement of the Death penalty in Trinidad & Tobago easier without loopholes. The aim is to curb crime by essentially make it 'easier' to hang murders who kill persons of law while acting in that capacity, multiple murderers, etc. What are your thoughts?
I see that Mrs. Kamla is trying to rush with the death penalty but I'm not sure if I agree with that move...I almost feel like it is used with the purpose of controlling crime and let me tell you that the death penalty won't bring down crime.
The bill put forth by the People's Partnership failed to get the required votes or support from the Opposition and was shut down. The Attorney general emphasized that there is a "rush" to get the bill through to enable hangings without delays from appeals, etc.