Bats 101

Bats 101 - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 26th Sep, 2019 - 5:39am

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Bat research
Post Date: 6th Jun, 2009 - 9:38pm / Post ID: #

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Bats 101

Bats 'recognise other's voices'

Bats are able to tell each other apart by their "Echolocation" calls, according to researchers. Ref. Source 9

Bats 101
Bats 101 (Hover)

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Post Date: 31st Oct, 2016 - 10:19am / Post ID: #

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New research on bats hunting in noise

Noise pollution, according to a new study, has been linked to lower survival and reproduction because it masks environmental cues and makes it hard for animals to hear moving prey or approaching predators. Ref. Source 3i.

Post Date: 4th Jan, 2017 - 11:05pm / Post ID: #

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Bats 101 UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

Bats avoid collisions by calling less in a crowd

In the warm summer months, bats go about their business each night, flying and gobbling up insects (A benefit to us). Using echolocation (Making calls and listening for returning echoes to figure out where objects are) they can hunt and navigate around obstacles in total darkness, often in large groups. But if everybody is echolocating at once, how do bats pick out their own echoes? Ref. Source 1n.

Post Date: 15th Jan, 2017 - 3:46pm / Post ID: #

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Found: Neurons that orient bats toward destination

Bats - like humans - can find their favorite fruit stand (Or coffee shop) even when it’s hidden behind a screen or tall buildings. How? Scientists have now identified the neurons that point bats in the right direction, even when their destination is obscured. This could aid understanding of some aspects of Alzheimer’s. Ref. Source 6f.

Post Date: 21st Jan, 2018 - 2:27pm / Post ID: #

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A survival lesson from bats: Eating variety keeps species multiplying. A new study reveals that omnivorous New World noctilionoid bats, those species with diets including both plant and animal materials, produce more new species in the long run than specialized vegetarian or insectivorous species. Source 1t.

Post Date: 26th Feb, 2018 - 11:31pm / Post ID: #

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Bats 101

How bats carry viruses without getting sick. Bats are known to harbor highly pathogenic viruses like Ebola or Marburg and yet they do not show clinical signs of disease. Scientists find that in bats, an antiviral immune pathway called the STING-interferon pathway is dampened, and bats can maintain just enough defense against illness without triggering a heightened immune reaction.

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Post Date: 26th Sep, 2019 - 4:40am / Post ID: #

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Bats 101

Bats use private and social information as they hunt. As some of the most savvy and sophisticated predators out there, bats eavesdrop on their prey and even on other bats to collect a wide variety of information as they hunt. Source 5g.

26th Sep, 2019 - 5:39am / Post ID: #

Bats 101 Sciences Education Art Writing & UFO

Bats have gotten a bad wrap from folklore and myths but they are really intelligent creatures. Contrary to popular to belief bats do SEE just not so well, but they do have eyes for a reason.

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