True or False: U.S. Economic Stats Lie
By Jack Hough
Surveyors collect the nation's data and statisticians compile and report it. Politicians naturally want the numbers to show improvement. Not being able to change the facts, they focus on the handling of facts, pressuring statisticians to change their measurements. It's not quite one grand conspiracy but decades of minor ones compiled. Today's reports are so perverted, the theory holds, that the numbers have detached from common experience. Ref. Source 1
I am on record as being extremely opposed to the "stimulus" plans. I am firmly convinced that the stimulus was a very bad idea, and its implementation was even worse. Very little, if any, of the money was put into the foundations of our economy, farming, mining, and manufacturing. If those three areas are not strong, the economy will never be strong.
Yes, we have lots of "economists" saying that things are looking up. However, those are only opinions. When I start to see the unemployment figures start to slide, then I will believe things are getting better.
One of my favorite sayings is, "If you think the government's problems are bad, wait until you see their solutions." The more government gets involved in trying to improve the economy, the less likely it is to really improve. At least in my opinion.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%