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While you are making your Posts you may be interested: Matrix: Plugged or Future Terra
Your last post (Woman Raped Dog And Her Youngest Child) was deleted for not being constructive, based on the following:
8. You cannot Post a message with just a quote or off topic message, significant personal opinion, comment or input must be added with your quote / off topic message.
Please review our: Constructive Posting Policy.
Honey, you only have a 6% activity level. You'll have to be more active than that.
Rather off topic, but... Finally, I have one other question that pertains to a different game. I just started in Tiempo and liked what I saw so far. It's not very active at the moment but that's no problem for the moment. I tried to post a question in the Tiempo bugs topic but it says I can't post there. So I guess this is two questions - 1. Any ideas why it might not let me post even when logged into the game, and 2. I used my initial turns but now it's not crediting me with any new ones. Sorry for posting here but I'm hoping maybe someone knows how to get it to the person running that game. |