Winner: gets an easy 500FP and their quote published on the designated quote pages
Rules: come up with the best original quote about our Community based on your own experience. It should not be an essay - just a quote - 20 - 100 words. To enter simply post your quote in a reply to this thread. Your quote must be in bold so as to distinguish it from anything else you may say.
Terms: All submitted quotes may be used at the discretion of Admin to advertise this site.
Time: 21 April to 24 April, 2005
After a year of searching the web you wouldn't be able to find a better organized community where intelligent people carry on intelligent conversation.
InternationalDiscussions.com is hands down the best Community on the web, where you can engage in mature, intellectual discussions with people from around the world without leaving the comfort of your own home.
Contest Closed
All the responses were great and I appreciate all the participants, but the one that stood out the most to me was this one:
"After a year of searching the web you wouldn't be able to find a better organized community where intelligent people carry on intelligent conversation."
Winner: Unferth