Elven name: Tári Telrúnya
Hobbit name: Tigerlily Gamgee-Took of Bywater
I remember doing this with an Elvish name generator somewhere else. Didn't like any of the names they gave me, so I made up my own: Eldavendiel. It means elf-maiden. I always liked it.
I used both my real name and my User name... so here's the Elvish:
User name: Inwë Tîwele
Real Name: Cirnellë PalantÃr
and here's the Hobbit:
User name: Esmerelda Took of Great Smials
Real Name: Beryl Bramble of Willowbottom
Very cool! I will definitely use these when I get killed off in RPG and have to create a new charrie
Name: Arwie
My elven name was: Merenwen Sáralondë
My hobbit name was: Ruby Burrows