Guns & Church - Weapons In Places Of Worship

Guns Church Weapons Places Worship - General Religious Beliefs - Posted: 29th Dec, 2019 - 7:26pm

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Post Date: 28th Jun, 2009 - 1:00pm / Post ID: #

Guns & Church - Weapons In Places Of Worship

Ky. Pastor welcomes guns, their owners to church Religious Based News. For one day, at least, it was OK to pack heat in church. Source: Source

Guns & Church - Weapons In Places Of Worship
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Post Date: 18th Jul, 2009 - 12:10pm / Post ID: #

Guns & Church - Weapons In Places Of Worship
A Friend

Worship Places Weapons Church and Guns

This is very weird especially since it's not a church issue. Also the pope said that violence cannot be justified to day because of the weapons we have. Now the weapons he's talking about are nukes and stuff but guns are really bad and carrying a gun around encourages it.

Post Date: 18th Jul, 2009 - 1:17pm / Post ID: #

Guns & Church - Weapons In Places Of Worship
A Friend

Guns & Church - Weapons In Places Of Worship Beliefs Religious General

Actually the fact that people are armed and carrying a weapon has proved to reduce crime. Criminals have proven the fact that if a area has a relaxed gun law allowing more people the right to carry a weapon violent crime goes down. In places where gun control is very strick and the people have a hard time getting a permit to carry the violent crimes go up. Criminals do not want to face a armed public. Think about that next time you hear about violent crime.

I applaud this pastor for welcoming those who carry a gun into church.

Post Date: 20th Jul, 2009 - 2:10am / Post ID: #

Guns & Church - Weapons In Places Of Worship
A Friend

Worship Places Weapons Church and Guns

I guess when you put it that way it doesn't sound so bad but it definitely doesn't encourage community and it is still not very good to be carrying a gun around because of what I said about the pope not liking it.

Post Date: 16th Aug, 2012 - 11:20am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Worship Places Weapons Church and Guns

Gun control: Americans united against firearms in churches, poll shows

A new poll has found Americans united in banning guns from houses of worship. Ref. Source 5

Post Date: 17th Dec, 2015 - 2:44pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Guns & Church - Weapons In Places Of Worship

Church members carry concealed guns

A gun safety instructor offers his class in California's Sierra foothills free to members of any church. His graduates qualify to carry concealed weapons, and many do so in church. "The Bible tells us to be our brother's protector," he says. "It's just another tool." Ref. Source 7r

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Post Date: 4th Mar, 2018 - 12:45pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Guns & Church Weapons Places Worship

Worshippers clutching AR-15 rifles hold commitment ceremony. Crown-wearing worshippers clutching AR-15 rifles exchanged or renewed wedding vows in a commitment ceremony at a Pennsylvania church on Wednesday. Source 2s.

29th Dec, 2019 - 7:26pm / Post ID: #

Guns & Church Weapons Places Worship General Religious Beliefs

Based on the West Freeway Church Of Christ Shooting this will give rise to congregations packing guns because if one of the members did not have a gun it could have gotten a lot worst.

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