Thanks to President Obama Federal Abstinence Education Funding Expires Today
Washington, DC ( -- Today marked the end of federal funding of abstinence education under the Title V Abstinence Education Program and the CBAE (Community Based Abstinence Education). Before he took over the White House, President Barack Obama made it clear he would cut abstinence funding. In Obama's FY 2010 Proposed Budget, the president called for eliminating the funding for abstinence education, which has been successful in helping teenagers make positive decisions. Instead, Obama called for at least $164 million in funding for contraceptive-only education, which will likely go to pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood. Leslee Unruh, president of the National Abstinence Clearinghouse, told the Washington Times that abstinence groups were not giving up. "Defeat? We don't know the meaning of that word," she said. Another prominent abstinence educator said some programs will find a way to operate their established programs with a smaller budget. Ref. Source 1
Of course he is going to give money to abortion groups like planned parenthood. HE believes that abortion is the way to go for young people who engage in sexual activities. Too bad he cut the abstinence funding I believe that helped more young people.