To cook dinner for her at home. Carlos rummaged in his fridge and cupboards and came up with stuff to make a wonderful meal and oopsss there was a bottle wine he was saving since last christmas.
After preparing the meal, set the table, the ambience was just right he put the wine to chill and went to pick up Lauren…
While driving to her place he thought, "Wait didn't I say to her that I would take her out?" What will she think if she ends up at my place?
yes, she will think that I'm trying to take advantage of her...I better get back home, Carlos said. So he went back home, he was late for his date already and didn't know what to do!. He thought that the best thing to do is to tell Lauren the truth about his life so he called her on the phone and by his surprise a man voice answer the phone!....
His mind begand to race... then the voice on the other side said, "Who is this?" With an almost demanding voice of concern. Now Carlos began to wonder if he should have even called. His heart was to rich in love and he said...
This is Carlos, Lauren's boyfriend. Who is this?. And the man just hanged up the phone…
Carlos started wondering, what happened? Who was that man in Lauren's home? Is she safe?
He ran to Lauren's home, knock the door but nobody answered but the door was open! Something happened to her? He wondered. When he entered he could not believe what he saw!
There was blood on the floor in little penny sized shapes that dripped all the way to the kitchen. Carlos' heart started to thump as he followed the tracks of the thick blood that seemed to be hardening on the floor... Into the hallway, then through the dinning room he went until at the kitchen he saw that the blood led to the fridge. The handle of the fridge was also covered in blood and his hear thumped even faster! He wondered if he should open the door of the fridge...
.. He decided to open it… and what he saw! Was just meat unfrozen bleeding all over. Lauren put it to defrost outside the fridge and she forgot about it and when she remember she put it back in the fridge. Carlos was relieved of seeing the meat. He thought it was....
Her or one of her family members bleeding, but then he wondered... where is Lauren? He shouted out, "Lauren, Lauren" but no response. Immediately Carlos ventured throughout the house calling Lauren's name in a frantic voice, but again no response. He then started up the stairs of Lauren's home. He had not been there before, but under the circumstances he thought he would have to take a look. As he started up the stairs he heard a voice behind him say, "freeze!"