Good afternoon
I am a High Priest of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. In the branch where I live I hold the calling of Emergency Preparedness specialists.
All of my life I have had a very close relationship with the Lord. About 35 years ago He told me, "Before this world was, I called you to stand up against the powers and principalities of evil and I gave you authority over them and the key to cast them out."
So for 30 years He taught me in the ways of spiritual warfare.
I am sharing this at this time because of two reasons. First, great evil is about to unleashed upon the world and those who have Priesthood authority will need to know how to deal with it, and, second, because the Lord has asked me to do this for my brothers and sisters. I am in the processes of preparing a manual on the principles of safe spiritual warfare and I will submit it to the General Authorities when it is done.
There are ways of contenting against evil that are dangerous even to those who hold Priesthood authority and there are ways that are safe. In my life I have conducted several exorcisms according to the way the Lord has taught me. His ways are safe and secure.
In the mean time if there is anything I can help with please let me know.
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