Questions we need to ask
Gun crimes continue unabated! A gun in the hand of an uneducated mal-adjusted sociopath means death for the person(s) at whom it is pointed. You can neither reason with such an individual-he is incapable of using reason; nor can you beg for mercy-he has no conscience! Ref. Source 2
I feel that some one needs to go to these two islands and take out these out laws who are running rampant through out. The people of Trinidad and Tobago deserve to live in peace and not be afraid to walk alone to and from a store whether they are male, female or child.
I thought that is what the police were for, but they are having their own bickering amongst themselves and thus the low lives are allowed to move and act unabated without any sense of concern over authority or consequences.
Safe and police here does not go in the same sentence. Did you read that Thread where a woman was killed right in a police station? There others here where people went to the police because they knew they were marked for death or kidnapping only to have their cried fall on the deaf ears of what ever uncaring police officer that took their report. Common excuses not to act on cases usually begin with "We don't have a car...".