DOD Adds Synthetic Marijuana To Random Drug Testing
US Military News
The Defense Department has expanded its zero tolerance for the use of illicit drugs to include synthetic marijuana, also known as 'spice," the director of DOD's drug testing and program policy said.
Hagel: US Needs Game-Changing Military Innovation:
Wary of a more muscular Russia and China, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Saturday the Pentagon will make a new push for fresh thinking about how the U.S. Can keep and extend its military superiority despite tighter budgets and the wear and tear of 13 years of war. Ref. Source 4
Newest American Weapons 'Would not Survive Actual Battle':
Not only are the weapon systems unlikely to deliver well in today's conflicts, they also could become vulnerabilities exploited by America's adversaries during wartime," P.W. Singer and August Cole noted. Ref. Source 3s