Does anyone watch this show? I do. Right now they are on the final three. The finalists are: Debbie, Melissa and Jeffrey. Each one of them have a unique personality and approach to food so it will be fun to see who finally win. It was taped back in January so whoever won already taping his/her new show! Jamika went home tonight and I was very disappointed to see Debbie staying in the show once again after she has lied so many times, she may cook great dishes but her dishonestly is not something the public is appreciating, everybody online wants her to go home!
Who is your favorite?
Well, Debbie was eliminated today and to be honest I was glad. I know she is proud of her Korean heritage but to make mention of it every five seconds was absolutely annoying! The final two are Melissa and Jeffrey. I like Melissa a lot since she is a home cook and a lot of viewers would feel identified with her.
As I suspected from day one, Melissa became the winner of the Next Food Network Star. Congratulations Melissa! I hope your dishes are easy and practical to make. I'll be watching your show.