Which House?
Consider location and your priorities. If you could have the same value house with the exact features / rooms where would you prefer for it to be located from the list below:
1. Anywhere, so long as it is near my relatives
2. Anywhere, so long as it is far from the in-laws
3. Beach front in the Caribbean
4. Valley near a lake
5. A mountain with a great view
6. Typical suburb
7. Near the city.
Image from MorgueFile public domain.
Which Location For Your New Home? (Hover)
I would choose #4. In a valley, near a lake. Preferably, Bear Lake.
Then, I would be very near relatives, anyway. :B
I love mountains, valleys, and lakes.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%
I would live in a typical suburb. With the kids, it important to be around other people with kids for them to play with. I wouldn't like to live near my relatives though. I am at least forty-five minutes away from any relatives, which gives me a descent buffer between them and me. I love them all, but just do not want them around all the time!
I would choose #6, typical suburb.
Hopefully it would have the added bonus of being away from the in-laws
I love the countryside, and lakes, but to actually live near them permanently is a completely different thing, and I wouldn't really like to live miles away from anyone and everything!
International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 29 2.9%
Anywhere, so long as it is near my relatives. My sisters and mom are my best friends, I can't live without at least one near me. I dread the thought of my daughter moving away from me, but I guess it could happen someday. Second choice is a beach front on the Caribbean.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 7 0.7%