1. Out of curiosity, how many more players still need to join the group before our group is able to resume the quest?
2. I kind of posted Rasputin as having all of his equipment in the Brainstorm thread before reading the beginning of the scenario and noticing that everyone else had to store their items. Is that a problem? Should I change my character to have him store stuff or should I just say the Commander let him keep all of his equipment out of concern for the groups' delay and sent Rasputin fully equipped as part of a solo rescue mission in case the group ran into trouble?
3. Also, how do I determine Health and AC? Should I follow the same rules as Medieval?
Edited: Rasputin on 17th Sep, 2014 - 3:11pm
1. There should be at least 5 in this Scenario.
2. No you keep all your equipment. You did not come from the base as the rest of Characters nor do you know anything about their missions yet. You can role-play that in the Brainstorm Thread.
3. Same as World of Medieval.
JB what's the chance of having a smaller game running so while we wait we can build up our characters?
I could only do that if your characters were at home / base and ready for something new, but right now they are engaged in a current Scenario so you will need to wait for others to join in.
Works for me but I noticed our characters don't show in all the threads, is there a reason for that?
For now it will just show in the Role-playing Games that are current. Basically, all Scenarios and Characters will be pegged to the Create Character Here Thread. In the future you can have other Characters as current ones die in game.
JB this is more of a little praise than a question. I love what you did by adding in the graphics and the styles. Its really cool to have a character specs page, its way better than the system we had before so I'm not missing the old look.