My Daily Vitamin Intake Opinions
I have never been a big advocate of popping pills but after analyzing the quality of food we are forced to buy ( I really wish we could live on a farm and grow our own stuff) I realized now that a daily vitamin intake in the form of pills is very necessary to health. As an example: fruits that a ripened in the sun and absorb all the necessary nutrients through a healthy tree will in turn give you adequate sources of vitamins. However if that fruit is picked early for the purpose of shipping and the tree it was picked from is starved for nutrients then you will receive a deficient amount of vitamins. There is no real way of telling where your food is coming from, what chemicals were used to produce it and so forth unless you grow it yourself.
Lately, I have been taking the following DAILY with excellent results:
1000mg Vitamin C
1 multi-Vitamin Citrogen
Everyone around me gets sick or is sick and I am not disturbed. If I do feel something trying to attack my system I double the Vitamin C to 2,000mgs a day and watch myself normalize by the next day. No placebo effect here, this works, BUT keep in mind I eat very little meat and exercise every other day as counter to my sitting at a computer for sometimes up to 16-18 hours a day!