One day God calls down to Noah and says "Noah me old china I wants you to
make me a new Ark"
> Noah replies "Nay probs God me old supreme being anything you want after
all you're the boss!"
> God interrupts "Ah but there's a catch this time Noah I want not just a
couple of decks,.......I want 20 decks one on top of the other."
> "20 DECKS! screams Noah"Well ok big man what ever you say. Should I fill
it up with all the animals just like last time?"
> "Yep that's right. Well....sort of right....This time I just want you To
fill it up with fish". God answers.
> "Fish?" Queries Noah.
> "Yep fish.......more specifically Noah, I want Carp. Wall to wall, floor
to ceiling - Carp!"
> Noah looks to the skies "OK God my mate let me get this right. You want a
New Ark?"
> "Check."
> "With 20 decks one on top of the other?"
> "Check."
> "And you want it full of Carp?"
> "Check"
> "Why?" asks the perplexed Noah who was slowly but surely getting to the
end of his tether! :sc
> "Dunno" says God "I just always fancied a Multi-Storey Carp Ark"
??? ???