US Constitution & Bible
I was watching an interesting segment on Huckabee about the Bible being the foundation of the US Constitution and the instrument of the Founding Fathers of the USA. The guest brought with him one of the oldest Bibles in the world. It was one of the first English Bibles published in the New World and guess by who -> The Congress of the United States of America. Not only that, but in the inside of the Bible it talks about it being the Authorized version for use in teaching children in schools. This shows that the Founding Fathers of the USA really meant for the country to be built on Christianity. Tax payers paid for the Bible to be used in schools back then. A far cry from now, you are not even allowed to mention "God" in school without getting lawyers sending you letters, legislators trying to stop you and strange looks from those around who think it is "un-cool" to be religious. Thoughts?
Yes, the founding fathers were religious men. They did believe in the teachings of the Bible. Honestly, I would bet that they could envision a day that the country would have a healthy buddist population. They also believe that the teachings of the Bible were good for society at large. What the founding fathers wanted was for churches to be churches doing wonderful things in their communities and not basically a political party in and of itself.
Would the founding fathers be offended or even understand the offense of someone saying Merry Christmas? I highly doubt it. Would they have been offended if children wanted to start the school day off with a prayer? Probably not. However, the probably would have wondered if there was a prayer already said with breakfast.
It is people/politicians/special interests and the judiciary that have taken the separation of church and state to mean that laws can be enacted to prevent having a Christmas Vacation at your school and instead have a Winter Vacation or Holiday Vacation. The founding fathers embraced the social structure and morality that is gained by faith and this was a guiding light for the formation of the country. Today, many try as hard as possible to escape the teachings of the Bible when inconvenient. Legislating the Bible out of our schools and communities is a wonderful way for us to be free to do as we want. It has done a great deal to advance modern liberalism.
I don't believe that religion is the basis of the constitution, if you read it. I believe that the moral values provided within religion were in the forefront of the minds of those that scripted the document, however, religion is not in the constitution and there really is no need for revision. I would be interested in which sections of the document you feel should be rewritten.
Now you can say that legislation has been enacted that might be religiously directed and I will totally agree with you.
Actually, there arent many restraints on your freedoms imposed by religion in our laws today and they are only becoming fewer with time. Also, is it religion mixing up with law or morals mixing up with law that you are more concerned with? Edited: Vincenzo on 18th Jun, 2010 - 4:42am