Ria Ramnarine
What are your thoughts about the Trinidadian boxer Ria Ramnarine and her latest win?
About her last match: From the little bit I saw via TV6 it looks like the Venezuelan gave Ria Ramnerine a run for her money and won the match. The fact that Ria did not want to continue because of her eye should have been in itself a technical knockout. For those wondering if there was any partiality towards Ria Ramnerine the judges were sent from the World Boxing Confederation so if there is to be redress it will be done through them.
Name: Boxing fan
Comments: What's not shown in the Ria Ramnerine match is the number of fouls Ana Hernandez hit Ria with so the judges took away a lot of points from Ana Hernandez that may of allowed her to win the fight. Nevermind that Ria is offering a rematch!
Name: Chester
Comments: Ria was clearly beaten from the word go as Ana was definitely the more prepared and aggressive of the two. This result is shameful for T&T Boxing and Ria should do the honourable thing and hand over the belts to Ana.
Name: GD
Comments: Other than the amount of blows Ria collected, she forfieted the match, therefore she should have lost the fight!
Did you see the comparison of both the fighters' faces at the end of the match? Ria was totally swollen, while Ana's face looked like she didn't even start fighting yet. I think they cheated on the result and Ria herself knows that she lost that fight.
The rematch is on! The WBA has ruled that there is to be a rematch between Ria Ramnerine and Ana Hernandez in Panama. Here are the issues that Ria Ramnerine's manager has with the rematch:
1. They would have to fight for free in Panama
2. Ria came out of the last match with a shoulder injury and she needs to be healed. The time of September 5th for the rematch seems a bit to soon for her to fully heal.