We had a nice CHristmas Eve dinner last night and yes the food was very fattening... just eatting it I felt guilty! Okay, now that you have slept through some of that are you ready to run a few laps?
From CNN:
For many people, the holidays lead to overindulging in alcohol and high-fat
foods. It has long been believed that people in the United States gain an
average 5 to 10 pounds between Thanksgiving and Christmas. However, according
to Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a recent study shows that the average person gains only 1
pound during the holidays. He warned that the study is not an excuse to overdo
it. "The bad news is that pound can actually stick around with you and is very
hard to shed. So you put about 20 or 30 holiday seasons behind you, and you
have 20 or 30 extra pounds. That weight adds up."
Dr. Sanjay Gupta is a medical correspondent for CNN and appears on "American
Morning" with the latest health and medical news to help viewers understand
the world of medicine and how it relates to them.
i agree JB * put about 20 or 30 holiday seasons behind you, and you have 20 or 30 extra pounds. That weight adds up." |
yeah but who think about exercising while you have turkey and ham stuffing through your ears!! lol
I have met plenty people who overeat a lot in the holidays and after they feel really guilty. Others who were overweight BEFORE the holidays, decide to start their diet AFTER Christmas lol (I guess they still wanna taste the ham you know) lol