An interesting article, thought you might like to read it. Seems like only in the USA do they have these kinds of groups and associations...
You may have been abducted by aliens. You may believe insects are being
mistreated, or fear your own mistreatment because you"re left-handed . . .
or kinky. No matter what, there are people you can turn to for support or
The Wolf Files Archive
I hate stereotyping because I get stereotized as so many things I don't know what the **** i am..... like the other day at school I was forced to do this stupid compatability test... the first question was what do you think you are .... and then there was of corse a list...
goodie good
punk rocker
and so on..
I must have look at that question for a good ten minutes before i gave up and threw the damn thing in the garbage..Then my teacher bitched at me for a good 20 min.... but yeah.... i hate it!
I must have look at that question for a good ten minutes before i gave up and threw the d**n thing in the garbage..Then my teacher pregnant doged at me for a good 20 min.... but yeah.... i hate it! |
Hmmm... if they had 'Are you Extra Sweet?' then would you have answered? *hehe* Anyway, here goes some more sterotyping... Xtra are you a 'rebel'? By 'rebel' I mean the typical teen that does what she want, says what she wants and does not care who thinks what? |
Being stereotyped is now part of life. It happens to anyone and everyone everyday of the week. All because people jump to conclusions thinking they've seen it all before. I stereotype people all the time most of the time ssubconsciously other times when I'm trying to come to a quick decision. The most stereotyped people are teenagers and young people due to a few idiots causing trouble. When placed into a catergry purely on first impression mistakes are made and people are hurt yet stereotyping people seems to come as second nature.