No, but you put them away for the crime they are committing when you catch them. Chances are the police aren't catching people for having a large capacity magazine, and if they are they are wasting their time instead of catching rapists, murderers, robbers, and other felons. Heck, once we catch em chance is the courts are going to let them off with a slap on the wrist anyway.
Bill would expand gunshot detection systems
A state lawmaker has introduced a bill that could expand the use of gunshot detection technology to communities throughout the state. Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia introduced the bill after several people shot off guns in his neighborhood on New Year's Eve Ref. Source 8o.
Ok so you will know guns are being fired. It does not tell you who is doing it or who has the guns. Are they going to go search the houses of responsible gun owners to find out if they shot a gun because the system detected a gun shot in their area?
ATF: Officers may be illegally selling guns
The head of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in Los Angeles has sent a memo to Southern California police chiefs and sheriffs saying officers are buying and reselling guns in what could be a violation of federal laws. Ref. Source 6s.
California handgun sales spiked after two mass shootings, study finds
In the six weeks after the Newtown and San Bernardino mass shootings, handguns sales jumped in California, yet there is little research on why -- or on the implications for public health, according to a researcher. Ref. Source 2z.
California law that lets cops buy 'off-roster' guns expanded to include more in law enforcement
The seizure of 57 firearms at a Pasadena police officer's home came after Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law a bill that expanded the number of peace officers eligible to buy off-roster guns. Ref. Source 7a.
Lawsuit challenges California law against owning 'large capacity' gun magazines. A lawsuit filed in San Diego Wednesday by the state affiliate of the National Rifle Association is challenging a California law making it illegal to own gun magazines holding more than 10 rounds. Ref. Source 6j.