Introduction FarSeer
Wow, California is moving and shaking! We are sort of in between the two big SoCal quakes -- Yucaipa and Anza -- so we shook *really* hard for both of them. They were big enough to rattle things on the shelves, but we've had no damage or inuries. You can say that they affect us only in the terms that it gives those of us who are unprepared a big "wake up call" to *get* prepared. (I could name names, but I'll refrain and merely say that at least two people at work were online for quite a while ordering
survival food storage after yesterday's quake....)
NO, I'm not moving because of earthquakes. If I ever do move, it will be because of taxes, high insurance, overpopulation, extreme housing costs, etc. And (I'm sure you know this) California can't just fall into the ocean! It doesn't sit on a shelf of land, but gradually descends along the shoreline.
Personally, I actually enjoy these "smaller" earthquakes. where no one is hurt and property is not damaged. It's a reminder that we are *not* in charge.