FarSeer Introduction - Page 6
Well, you just put me into tears... I haven't heard from any of my family today, so thank you very much for the Birthday wishes

No big plans, but I did buy myself some rollerblades so that I can teach my daughter how to skate on hers -- that I bought for her birthday in September, and she can't get the hang of. No one around here skates. So. Looks like I'll be getting out more

My folks have truly made the committment to come down, and we have a deadline of the last week in March to make the official move. It's very exciting! We looked at nursing homes last weekend here in town, and there are a couple of them that look promising as a new home for my sister. And we drove around some neighborhoods that I know we can afford to live in and they were very impressed -- a big difference from East Los Angeles where they live now!! We just have to find a house for rent.
Thanks again for the good wishes! I needed that!