FarSeer Introduction Sharing Member & Introductions
I love my 6-foot gate
If not prowlers, it certainly keeps everyone else out. Except, of course, the stray cats in the neighborhood that torment my dog. Some improvement with my daughter, but once my night class is over this week, we'll be focusing on home-centered activities.
I went to a Single Adult mini-conference on Saturday. In fact, I was on the committee of three stakes hosting the event, and the turn out was pathetic. Less than 100 people from 12 stakes... probably a 60-mile radius where the Single membership is upwards of 10,000. How can I get married -- temple or otherwise -- if no viable men show up? Besides, I have "bigger fish to fry" at home; do I really need *another* distraction to take me away from my home? No, sir.
We buried our puppy, Gigi yesterday. Poor little thing! She suffered so terribly, and we could do nothing but try to keep her calm and clean. It breaks my heart.