FarSeer Introduction Sharing Member & Introductions
Ah, the dreaded RPG... Well, here's the thing, you guys. I'm an accountant, and we are just now entering the end-of-year scramble for the deep-pocket guys to try to alleviate their taxes for 2008. So I have a lot more work to complete in a lot less time. I'll probably be working some overtime and some weekends through the end of the year, and spilling over through January.
I can't promise to make it to the forum every day, and that just delays the game -- or you would go ahead and make decisions without me which makes me pout.

So I can't promise on the RPG, but I'll stop into the World Greed map room to see what's going on. Those games don't move forward if a player misses a move! Thanks for asking, though.
P.S. I have enough butter, already!