I am a parent of a 6 month old. No special needs here but I feel pretty tired too.
As tiring as it is your children make you, there are those moments that make you love them even more. I've heard from parents that have children that are mentally handicapped and other physical challenges that it has often been a blessing for that child. In one instance, the patriarchal blessing mentioned that Heavenly Father used the physical/mental limitation as protection from the advisory. Had he not done so the devil and his angels would wreak havoc on this child because according to the blessing, the the spirit within had been one of those that escorted the devil's angels away from heavenly father's presence.
Remember the devil and his angels do not have the veil over their eyes, so they know exactly who we were. Anyway, that gave me new meaning to not think how unfortunate that the child can not function as other children do. Yet, they will be saved in the end, and not bothered by temptations and are innocent before the lord because of their prior lives.