Assumptions of Character - Page 4 of 5

QUOTE That is, others reckon that you never - Page 4 - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 6th Sep, 2005 - 7:29pm

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3rd Nov, 2004 - 6:40pm / Post ID: #

Assumptions of Character - Page 4

QUOTE (JB@Trinidad @ 16-Nov 03, 4:53 PM)
Most people I have found to first assume character based on physical look and appearance without waiting to talk to a person to see what their character is like.

physical looks may mean a lot, and my project on one's character. The clothes you wear, the way you walk, your facial impressions, all show some of your personality

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12th Dec, 2004 - 6:44pm / Post ID: #

Character Assumptions

Everything starts with the 'eyes' and the way you look and present yourself have a great impact on people's concept about you. I'm not saying is right, I'm just saying that most of us assume people's character just by the way they dress or talk or move.

Post Date: 13th Dec, 2004 - 3:20pm / Post ID: #

Assumptions of Character
A Friend

Assumptions of Character Health & Special Psychology

When people meet me, they tend to think I'm smart. Simply because I have glasses and apparently have that "studious" look about me. I'm not exactly dumb, I don't think, but I'm not some all knowing person.

Online in the RPG I'm an administrator on, people who don't me think I'm harsh. Over the computer, my professional attitude sometimes comes across as cold. It's not that I'm trying to be cold, I just like to get to the point and not sugar coat things. Once they get to know me, they realize that I'm not little miss nazi. smile.gif

As much as I try not to judge people before I know them, I do. I won't necessarily judge people by how they look but more by their carriage. If somebody is just really jittery and seems as if they've done something wrong, I tend to get really nervous.

One of my problems is judging people AFTER I know them. I try to have the attitude of "It's okay if I don't like them, but just because we don't click doesn't mean either one of us is a bad person." Of course, I'm only human and that thought isn't in my head enough.

13th Feb, 2005 - 8:05pm / Post ID: #

Page 4 Character Assumptions

I think most people assume the character of another person because sometimes it is easier or they just do not want to bother to get to know the person first before making a judgment. It can be very harmful and most people do this all the time based on how the person looks, talks, the job they hold or how much money they have.

14th Feb, 2005 - 8:04pm / Post ID: #

Character Assumptions

People don't listen to me seriously in person for some reason ?

I would say this is because of your voice. Your voice is so young and sweet. They think that means you are too.

I try to be myself in the forum, although I admit I'm more energetic, outspoken and moody in real life.

More outspoken in real life than on the forum! huh.gif How is that possible? *smile*

15th Feb, 2005 - 12:24am / Post ID: #

Assumptions of Character

More outspoken in real life than on the forum!  How is that possible?

I know it sounds difficult to believe. In the forum I am more on a "relaxed" mood than out of it. Outside the forum, if I need to tell you something, I tell you as it is, without no "smilies" like we use here or anesthesia. laugh.gif

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Post Date: 6th Sep, 2005 - 2:48pm / Post ID: #

Assumptions of Character
A Friend

Assumptions Character - Page 4

I'm normally 'judged' as being "in control"... but the truth is I can be just as lost as the next person. People who are regarded as being in control are generally left to their own devices - That is, others reckon that you never -need- anything (like a hug, or a helping-hand, or just someone to listen while your heart's breaking)...or that if you -do- need something you'll get it for yourself.

Getting caught up in the image is no fun. For the most part I'm too ashamed to ask for the 'simple things that make all the difference' to one's experiences.... so I -do- end up finding a way for myself. On my good days, that's cool. I just get on with it. On my bad days (we all have 'em) I crave an intuitive other.

Post Date: 6th Sep, 2005 - 7:29pm / Post ID: #

Assumptions of Character
A Friend

Assumptions Character Psychology Special & Health - Page 4

That is, others reckon that you never -need- anything (like a hug, or a helping-hand, or just someone to listen while your heart's breaking)...

I can understand Deec, it's true, I never thought of it that way before, but it makes sense.

I am an open book, so I would hope people don't get any sort of wrong impression of me. If I was in a room full of people (or waiting in a long line) I would be the first one to entertain everyone. I usually get people laughing and I'm generally in a good mood.
I try not to make assumptions about people, but I'm usually right on my first impression of people. Let me explain. My mother-in-law's (now ex)husband didn't care enough about himself to comb his hair or brush his teeth, and didn't bother to put on a clean shirt when going out to dinner - I'm sorry.... but my assumption about him was right on target from the first time I saw him.

I am caucasian, and I was raised in a spanish family. I LOVE IT when I go to my grocery store (which even the announcements over the P.A. are in spanish) and the cashier and bag boy carry on a conversation about me in spanish and think I don't understand what they are saying. I was paying for my groceries and the cashier and bag boy started going on about my piercings and how ridiculous they thought they looked in spanish and I answered back to them in spanish "you better be careful what you say around people - you never know who speaks spanish". I think it's funny.

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