Mexico Prisons
Are Prisons well kept in Mexico?
How are convicts treated in Prisons within Mexico?
Who oversees the penal code for Mexico Prisons?
Wages of fear trap Mexican prison guards in corruption spiral:
Working for a modest wage among powerful criminals, Mexican prison guards are caught between a rock and a hard place, often helpless against the muscle and financial might of drug gangs like Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman's Sinaloa Cartel. Ref. Source 9z
Over 50 Killed in Mexican Prison Riot:
Fifty-two people died after clashes broke out in the Topo Chico jail in Monterrey in Nuevo Leon state, according to the local government, via a Twitter post.Nuevo Leon officials also said that a further 12 had been wounded with five of those in critical conditions. Ref. Source 4x