I believe that is something a lot of women can run into. They get their passport photo and a couple years later they change their hair color and style while the passport photo stays the same for 10 years. This can cause some people to question the owner of the passport more.
Since men do not change their hair color or length of hair that drastically they do not seem to have as much trouble.
This can happen with drivers licenses too. If you don't look like the picture, then officials will question you and possibly detain you. Luckily for me I have a labret piercing so when people look at my identification they can tell it's me. Sometimes people gain weight, grow or cut their hair and can look totally different. Maybe in the future people will get specific tattoos on their faces to be identified by.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 5 0.5%
I had this problem when I went to France last christmas. I got my passport while at college and I was going through a punk rock phase and so grew my hair longer and grew a beard. Then after a few years I got a job in an office so decided to look more respectable and am clean shaved with a short back and sides cut. On the way in to France it was fine and I flashed my passport and was allowed through. But leaving I was made to offer other ID and answer a few questions.
However an English comedian said on a show a while back "Nobody should ever look like their passport picture.. Infact if you do look like your passport picture, see a doctor as there is something wrong with you!"
Maybe sometime soon they will upgrade passports to have digital pictures, like you can now buy digital picture frames and upload any picture onto it and never have a physical photograph again.
Then maybe we could send a new picture if we have a new hair style or shave our eyebrows and somebody at the passport agency could approve it then the digital picture will automatically change.
I would not like that at all. With digital technology if you incorporate it into the passports or drivers license then your opening up a whole new way to fake a passport or a drivers license just by changing the digital photo to who ever wants to use that instrument.