Jehovah Witnesses & Christmas

Jehovah Witnesses Christmas - Christmas - Posted: 27th May, 2010 - 12:24am

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19th Aug, 2009 - 1:36am / Post ID: #

Jehovah Witnesses & Christmas

I never understood why Jehovah Witnesses do not celebrate Christmas, but now I understand that they believe that Jesus was not born in the snow. They know this because the wise men could have clearly seen the stars in the sky that night to guide them to the stable. Snow only falls during the period November to January, and when snow falls, you can barely see the stars in the sky. Therefore, the thinking is that he was born in October (which is why there should, by extension, be no Christmas).

I dont understand why they dont celebrate birthdays on the whole though.

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19th Aug, 2009 - 4:54am / Post ID: #

Christmas and Witnesses Jehovah

Lynette you are correct! According to the Bible, shepherds were out in the fields at night watching over their flocks the night Jesus was born.
The Bible

Luke 2:8-11 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field °, keeping watch over their flock by night.

9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid °.

10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

As for birthdays there are only two of these celebrations recorded in the sciriptres
and a execution took place on each of them. So you see these celebrations are not presented in a favorable light. There is also no indication that the Jews of Bible times, or the first century Christians during the time of Christ celebrated them either.

19th Aug, 2009 - 8:11am / Post ID: #

Jehovah Witnesses & Christmas Christmas

Christ was probably born in the spring, as the weather would permit the shepherds to "guard their flocks by night".

Christians in the Bible observed many of the Holidays (Root word being Holy days) that the Jews (Christ was a practicing Jew) did before them,

Days of unleavened bread


It is unclear in the bible if these Jewish holidays were rejected by Christians or continued except for the Passover,Days of unleavened bread , and Pentecost which are specifically mentioned as holiday celebrations that Christ took part in or are holidays that Christians took part in. There can be little doubt that Christians in the New Testament were very active in celebrating Jewish Holidays (Holy days) in the Beginning of the Church.

Christmas, even with its pagan roots, does have religious roots in the Catholic Church as "Christ's Mass". One can argue that the rite of Christ's Mass has little Biblical precedence, though in this case I am not too concerned. I will continue to set aside some time to worship Christ as God, and Worship my Heavenly Father as Christ did.

I do not believe there is a problem with celebrating the birth of Christ through worship, as long as this worship focuses on the divinity of Christ as Jehovah and God of the Old Testament.

Of course I am not a Jehovah's Witness (except for the fact that I believe Jehovah is the almighty God) but I respect much of their teachings.

Post Date: 9th Mar, 2010 - 12:24am / Post ID: #

Christmas and Witnesses Jehovah

Name: Melton

Comments: I thought they didn't believe in Christmas because they consider it a pagan day really meant to worship a Roman Emperor.

Post Date: 9th Mar, 2010 - 2:33pm / Post ID: #

Christmas and Witnesses Jehovah

Name: Eien

Comments: That part deals with the tree in the house and telling children that Santa is real.

27th May, 2010 - 12:24am / Post ID: #

Jehovah Witnesses & Christmas

Although I am Hindu and the rest of my family is also Hindu we still celebrate Christmas because we do see Jesus as god. I do not know how the JWs can be angry with others wanting to celebrate the birth of Christ becauase they are supposed to be Christians.

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