Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice? - Page 3 of 35

QUOTE I hate the labelling of people as 'gay' - Page 3 - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 12th Dec, 2003 - 2:43pm

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Posts: 276 - Views: 126917
Poll: Are People Born Gay Or Choice?
  Born Gay       30.88%
  Their Choice       39.71%
  A bit of both       29.41%
Total Votes: 68
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Discuss  Are People Born Gay Gay By Choice Homosexual behavior stems from the mind or genetics?
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5th Jul, 2003 - 10:38pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice? - Page 3

Of course they do JB, now the reason we use the word straight is simple. Human beings are the only exception of all the creatures on this Earth that may feel attracted to people of their own gender. MOST men feel atractive to women and viceversa, there are more heterosexual people in the world than gay people. We are not saying here that gays are 'crooked' what we are saying is that the common thing is to feel attracted to someone of the opposite sex. That's all.

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7th Jul, 2003 - 12:43am / Post ID: #

Choice Gay Gay Born People Are

From CS Monitor:
The US Supreme Court hears arguments today in a challenge by gay-rights
advocates to a Texas law banning consensual acts between same-sex
couples. The case was filed on behalf of two men arrested in 1998 for
violating the state's Homosexual Conduct law, which opponents say
violates privacy rights. Texas, one of 13 states with such statutes on
the books, argues that it has the right to pass legislation that
promotes community moral standards.

The Supreme Court ruled on this recently (last week?) and struck down that Texas law as un-Constitutional.  Their finding was that the incident was between consenting adults, and that in a private home consensual acts are private.  The vote was, I think, 5-4 ...

Now what happens in the remaining 12 states with similar laws?

BTW  --  I also don't believe gays are "born that way."  Usually.  I understand that there are increasing numbers (although still relatively small numbers) of hermaphordites (or pseudohermaphrodites) born, and the parents have to choose which gender.  I suppose one born this way, and then altered, could go either way, because as I understand it there is an imbalance in hormones.

I do know and have known people who are gay, and the vast majority had some sort of traumatic sexual experience early in life.

I think it is very sad, and yes we must remember that they are humans and also may be traumatized.  We love them, even as they are.

But I could do without cross-dressers parading down Main Street.  That's just sick and wrong!  LOL


Post Date: 6th Nov, 2003 - 12:32pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?
A Friend

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice? Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

    I always assumed people chose to be gay, I had gay friends that seemed to want to live their life that way, it was never a problem, but it wasn't until my sister announced to the family that she was gay I decided to do a little more research. I was concerned that her new  way of life would affect her four children & couldn't understand why she would choose to be gay.
    There does seem to be a fair amount of research that's been done over the years covering both male & female homosexuality & there does seem to be some indication that a high percentage of homosexual adults are born gay.
    From what I've read & can understand it appears that if a foetus is a genetic girl (XX) & the brain is dosed in male hormone, the result is a female body with male brain circuitry. A high percentage of these girls become lesbians.
    At 6 to 8 weeks after conception a male feotus (XY) usually receives a massive dose of male hormones called androgens which first form the testes, & then a second dose to alter the brain from a female format to a male configuration ( the basic template for the body & brain of a human feotus is female in structure).
If the male feotus does not receive enough male hormone at the appropriate time, one of two things may happen. Firstly, a baby boy may be born with a brain structure that is more feminine than masculine & will most likely be gay by puberty.
Secondly, a genetic baby boy may be born with a fully functioning female brain & a set of male genitals. This person will be transgender ( this is a person who is biologically male but feeling  as if he is female ).
    For both male & female there may have been some signs, but it's not until adolescence that the brain circuitry is switched on by the massive surge of hormones that race through the teenagers body the real sexuality of the teenager becomes apparent.
    There will always be people who choose to live life a certain way, but there are also people who had no conrol over what happened as they developed in their mothers wombs. For that reason, I don't think any of us should try to decide if a person is born gay or chooses to be. We are not in a position to really know.
    The best thing any of us can do is to love everyone for who they are not what they are.

6th Nov, 2003 - 2:36pm / Post ID: #

Page 3 Choice Gay Gay Born People Are

UK, thanks for sharing your story. I also think that sexual abuse in childhood for instance takes an important reason on why some people are gay.

10th Nov, 2003 - 3:12pm / Post ID: #

Choice Gay Gay Born People Are

I think it may be a mix.  Some are born with a preference for members of the same sex and for some there are outside influences that cause them to choose member of the same sex.

I remember talking at length with a man I worked with once who is gay.  He told me he remembers always feeling more like a girl in his choices than his male friends.  Way back when he was 5 he remembers thinking other boys were cute and that sort of thing.  Anyway, he grew up and even lived with a girl for a number of years before figuring out that he was gay.

To some they might look at him and say he wasn't always gay because he dated girls and even lived with one for a while.  He maintains that he was always gay, but it just took him a while to figure it out.

Post Date: 23rd Nov, 2003 - 5:51pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?
A Friend

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?

I believe that it all depends on the person. Some people are being 'born' gay, they feel like it straight from the beginning, while for others it's a matter of choice.

They've decided such way of living, because... [insert various reasons].

And i think that it may've been also because some events in their life have made them feel like it.

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Post Date: 12th Dec, 2003 - 11:47am / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Or Gay By Choice?
A Friend

Are People Born Gay Gay Choice - Page 3

I hate the labelling of people as 'gay'. I love to fly, do people call me an aviophiliac? No, I'm still a person. But should I say that I like other men, suddenly I become 'gay' and people should 'accept me for what I am'.

People are people, whatever choice they make or whatever spirit they possess.

12th Dec, 2003 - 2:43pm / Post ID: #

Are People Born Gay Gay Choice Culture Family Travel & Consumer Reviews - Page 3

I hate the labelling of people as 'gay'

I do not know that they are 'labelled' that since I often hear homosexuals refer to themselves as 'gay' and they prefer that title, but that is not what this topic is about really. The focus is do they become that way or are they really born that way?

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