Felipe is very good at Age of Empires 3 so in order to beat him I can't play casually, however my youngest son is very needy most of the time and does not give me a chance to concentrate on anything for any more than a minute or two at a time. I will have to wait for the opportunity to give you a good battle.
There is a new strategy I figure out today, a strategy that I think it cannot be outmatch! But don't worry JB, I am sure you will figure out a new strategy that outmatches my strategy. That what makes you a good opponent in AOE3!
Edited: Felipe on 3rd Nov, 2012 - 7:59pm
That is because I haven't played the game for a long time now, that was because I wasn't been able to play it for some reasons. But now since I am able to play the game I will have to regain my strategy back. But don't worry JB, it wouldn't take long for that happen, and when it does, it will be much, much more harder for you to beat me in a match of AOE.
Excuses, excuses... I haven't played in a long while either, in fact you played more recently than me because with your brothers I had no chance to continue but you did. Anyway, we will see next time how you do and if you will still have a reason for your army's destruction.