I will try to abide by the rules of English Grammar and this site.
I speak only English and German, and neither perfectly. After serving in Frankfurt Germany from 2002 to 2004, my English is markedly improved, but still not in a state that I could call myself correct.
My wife is college educated, but I obviously don't talk to her enough for her English ability to rub off onto me.
My 11 month old son speaks a blend of Celtic, Swahili, and Icelandic. I speak with him often, have learned some vocabulary, and am slowly learning his grammar. But, it is a slow undertaking.
I feel it is important to support worthwhile games, instead of un-worthwhile ones. after trying some games on the internet, I searched for worthwhile games, and found a promising one on this website. While I realize that games are not usually a worthwhile use of time, they help me to relax. I will see if I find anything both worthwhile and relaxing through this board.
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If you like LDS Based Games then you may also be interested in playing: Nephi RPG where you can 'Journey to the Promised Land' or Book of Mormon Battles and see if you really know a lot about the Book of Mormon.
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Thank you.
Can't say that I have. I don't really have much experience in RPG's at all, but I enjoy complicated games, as they help me relax, and I enjoy figuring out all the moving parts and how exactly they fit together. Complex games that involve people are all the better, because moving parts being moved by multiple, unpredictable forces are much more difficult to figure out. And therefore, oddly, a much more fun and relaxing time for me.
So, by Text RPG do you mean similar to Mormon Battles? I have never played anything like that.
I am not really sure what play by post means. I would assume that it is a game where decisions are 'mailed' (hence post) to a player, who then makes the move, and gives you the resulting effects. That is also something new for me.
Why? Do you have something in mind?
I looked briefly at World of Medieval, and it looks very interesting. I believe that I would very much enjoy it.
However, I am not sure that I can make the commitment of playing that often, quite yet. I am sure that I could get up to 30 posts quickly, but I just don't know what next week will be like. I have 2 very large projects that will be lasting a few months, and while I hope I will be able to play around here, I just don't think it would be fair to start and not be able to finish.
But thank you very much for the invitation.
I also like Risk, so Greed sounds interesting too. I will have to take a look at that.
How popular is chess, though? I do enjoy a game of chess, and if it is not timed and can last weeks, that is much more up my alley than trying to finish a game in an hour, or even a few days. I used to play games with my father that would last months.