Okay, it's back to school for kids and many adults. You have to carry your books and supplies some way, so your best choice is a backpack. What kind do you purchase? Do you go for a stylish backpack or a comfortable safe backpack?
A backpack should have the compartments you or your child needs for supplies and should also have wide cushion straps for comfort. Wearing a backpack the wrong way or with too many books inside can cause pain and back problems. Teach your kid to only bring what books they need for the day and to make use of their locker. Some backpacks are better than others because of weight distribution.
I walked to a store a couple days ago and bought groceries and a backpack. I walked home with all my groceries in the backpack. I thought my back would be hurting after my two and a half mile walk home, but the backpack distributed the weight nicely and had comfortable straps. It was a great buy!
How did everyone else do this year while purchasing a backpack for your child or yourself?
I have used those messenger bags before. They may be uncomfortable after awhile if your child puts too many books in the bag. It's much easier to use a regular backpack, but sometimes kids just want to go with whatever is the cool new trend. As long as they are wearing the bag across the body it should be okay.