Trinidad Immigration Offices
Do you think it was correct for Immigration Officers to leave their post in order to attend a union meeting for three hours without notifying the public?
Name: Arora
Comments: Absences of any kind results with some kind of repercussion, and if supervisors are not doing what they are being paid to do or are afraid to supervise, the public usually pay a high penalty including personal costs (including now coming into contact with H1N1). These are the same people who complain when they receive the same treatment elsewhere, so the cycle will always continue. Solution: Treat others as you would like to be treated - with respect, courtesy and a solution to whatever business transaction.
The reason these people behave the way they do is because people don't complain in the way they should so they do whatever they want.
Comments: Is a crying shame to have Watson Duke inconvenience people like this. There are better ways of getting your dues than making the public, who by the way are paying the authorities' salary, suffer when they urgently need to travel.