I think stereotype definitely carries with it a negative connotation, but I think it's important that we don't forget: Not all stereotypes are bad. I'm not saying it's right to judge somebody before you know them, but some stereotypes are complimentary, even if they are false.
Growing up, I wore glasses. Well, I still do. For some reason, people assume that people who wear glasses are smart. So, as a student, people always assumed I was intelligent because I wore glasses. I know I'm not the smartest person in the world, but I do have some intelligence. I took that stereotype as a compliment because I did work hard in school, and tried my best academically.
In school, people are stereotyped by clothes. If a teenager happens to wear a nice polo shirt and khaki's, they are given the title "prep." If a teenager likes the color black, and comes to school with a black skirt on and a black shirt, they are labeled a "goth."
Everybody is stereotyped. We all have two choices we can make: 1. Let is bother us or 2. Ignore it and let it be. Personally, I deal with it. If people want to go on thinking I'm such a smart person because I wear glasses, then by all means, they may go for it.
Keywords: Stirotyped, Stereotyped
but some stereotypes are complimentary, even if they are false. |
I took that stereotype as a compliment because I did work hard in school, and tried my best academically. |
If people want to go on thinking I'm such a smart person because I wear glasses, then by all means, they may go for it. |
I think your reaction would be quiet different. |
I'm a gardener so people assume I must be butchy and are really surprised I have a fiance of the opposite sex! I am also shy to begin with, and a lot of people mistaken that to mean snobby, which is hilarious if you actually knew me! Ha! Also through Uni I was known as a s*ut (due only to being (only) friends with a lot of blokes...) or gay (not that there is anything wrong with that, only that I'm not)which obviously made for some confusing times....
Remember stereotypes are used by everyone. It is a human thing to do. We cannot process every person that we see and meet. This would take to long to do, so our minds use references or stereotypes to help us reference people quickly. It is a frame work where we can begin to interact with people. We also have to remember that as we interact with others we are continuously creating new stereotypes and assumptions about people based off of our perceptions and past experiences.
The key I believe is to be aware that we do such referencing with people. If we are aware of this we then are open to change that reference once we begin to interact with them. We will never get rid of stereotypes, but we can lean to manage them.
American society is built on stereotyping people even if they don't do it intentionally that's just how it is. From back in days of cowboys and Indians there was already a who is better than who mentality. With the slaves, female rights and now there ever so savvy who is more cool and who is more popular. If you're not accepted into a group you end up being labeled a loser. Who do they think they are anyways... The authority on the worth of people?