Leroy Carhart Abortion Center

Leroy Carhart Abortion Center - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 9th Feb, 2013 - 8:50pm

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Post Date: 29th Aug, 2009 - 12:50am / Post ID: #

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Leroy Carhart Abortion Center

Ex-Employees Note Unsafe, Illegal Conditions at LeRoy Carhart's Abortion Center
Omaha, NE (LifeNews.com)

Earlier this week, Nebraska-based late-term abortion practitioner LeRoy Carhart laid off nearly half his staff as he faces a potential investigation from state officials. Now, the former staffers are coming forward to describe what they call illegal and unsafe conditions at his Bellevue abortion center. The former abortion facility employees say they participated in abortions that were done without proper licensing. Two of the unnamed women who assisted in Carhart's abortions say they started IVs for him even though they are not registered nurses or certified licensed practical nurses, as required by state law. A third former employee, who was fired about six years ago, also confirmed that she frequently administered medication intravenously although she wasn't a certified LPN. Three of the women directly contacted pro-life groups, including Operation Rescue and Rescue the Heartland and a fourth woman is working directly with a pro-life attorney to tell her knowledge of illegal and unsafe conditions at Carhart's clinic. The women also allege that general unclean conditions, including dried blood on surgical instruments, were the norm at Carhart's center. The women also told of missing narcotics, illicit drug use by employees, and illegal post-viability abortions. Ref. Source 3

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Post Date: 1st Dec, 2010 - 1:42am / Post ID: #

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Center Abortion Carhart Leroy

LeRoy Carhart Will Start Late-Term Abortions in Maryland Soon

Late-term abortion practitioner LeRoy Carhart has been keeping the pro-life movement on edge for months about potential plans to open new late-term abortion businesses in Iowa and Maryland.
New information obtained by the pro-life group that served as one of the major watchdogs of late-term abortion practitioner George Tiller today unveiled new information showing Carhart has secured a location to do the abortions. Instead of opening a new abortion center, Carhart will move into one run by an embattled abortion practitioner.

Carhart, according to information officials with Operation Rescue presented LifeNews.com, will run his late-term abortion business in the facility former operated by Steven Chase Brigham in Germantown, Maryland. He plans to begin doing abortions at the facility on December 6.

"This is not an expansion of abortion, but a relocation of Carhart's failing late-term abortion business in a desperate attempt to avoid financial ruin," said Operation Rescue president Troy Newman.

Newman called Carhart's move to Maryland "opportunistic" because he is taking over the abortion market Brigham owned until Maryland officials and state health departments in New Jersey and Pennsylvania began cracking down on him. Brigham is not licensed to do late-term abortions in Maryland, so he would begin the abortions at his office there and transport women to Maryland to complete the abortions.

Brigham, who is not licensed in Maryland, was operating an illegal late-term abortion scheme where he would start abortions late as 36 weeks at his Voorhees, New Jersey abortion center, where he is not licensed to do late-term abortions. Then, he would have the women drive themselves to his secret abortion clinic in Elkton, Maryland. Ref. Source 7

Post Date: 18th Jul, 2012 - 6:42pm / Post ID: #

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Leroy Carhart Abortion Center Health & Special Psychology

Late-Term Abortion Doc Carhart Caught Illegally Dumping

Local pro-life advocates have caught late-term abortion practitioner LeRoy Carhart engaging in illegal dumping at the Maryland-based abortion facility that employs him. Formal complaints have been filed against Carhart and the abortion clinic after an investigation by pro-life activists uncovered the illegal dumping of biohazardous waste, private patient medical information, and dangerous drugs. Ref. Source 5

Leroy Carhart Abortion Center
Leroy Carhart Abortion Center (Hover)

Post Date: 9th Feb, 2013 - 8:50pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Center Abortion Carhart Leroy

Woman Dies After Botched 33-Week Abortion Takes Her Life

A 29-year old woman died yesterday as the result of fatal complications suffered during an abortion at 33 weeks. Late-term abortion practitioner LeRoy Carhart (left) performed the abortion at the Germantown Reproductive Health Center in Germantown, Maryland.

According to information the pro-life group Operation Rescue released to LifeNews today, the unnamed woman went to the abortion facility for a third trimester abortion from out-of-state and arrived at Germantown Reproductive Health Center on Sunday to start the abortion process. Local pro-life advocates protesting outside saw her every day until yesterday, and described her as appearing "pale and weak." Ref. Source 2

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