Let me rephrase my last statement, first Taoism then Hinduism. Also I respect their core beliefs, what Gods and Goddesses they believe in isn't the reason I choose them.
I think his point is that they're very peaceful religions . Like our dear Prophet have said there is some truth in all religions and I believe we can find several that can be (to an extent) compatible to the LDS church.
I think for a non Christian religion/philosophy, Taoism has some similarities. The yin yang symbol represents opposition in all things. Also that good knows its good because it retains a knowledge of the existence of evil and vice a versa. Also tao means "the way", and Jesus is the Truth THE WAY, and the Light. Just some silly things I've thought about.
Name: Sal
Comments: Islam has a strong belief in a specific prophet and they have their own book of scripture much like we do. We have a history of plural marriage and they still practice it today so there are a lot of similarities. Of course they do not revere Christ in the same way we do, but if they did could you imagine the impact of their religion?