If someone can't handle themselves while on any substance, they must face the consequences. The government has to step in sometimes and make sure people don't commit crimes. If someone commits crimes in the U.S and they were on drugs at the time, they might get off easier if they go to rehab. When they are on probation their probation officer may test them for alcohol use as well as drug use. They can court order you to be sober. If a substance is making you commit crimes and lose self control you should be glad that someone is taking charge and possibly saving your life and others'.
It's true that if someone is so addicted to alcohol that they need it to function, then they will likely return to it. Other people who aren't as hooked might actually realize how they are hurting themselves and others. Some alcoholics have to go through detox to be able to quit. It can be dangerous for those who's bodies are used to a large amount of alcohol every day to quit all at once. If someone is a menace to society something should be done and ordering them to lay off the alcohol can benefit everyone.