Secrets - Page 2 of 3

I think my deepest, darkest secret was when - Page 2 - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 24th Jul, 2003 - 7:53pm

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Posts: 18 - Views: 2745
Everybody has secrets, come on, you know you have secrets, I can see you blush just reading this...
Post Date: 8th Mar, 2003 - 11:21am / Post ID: #

A Friend

Secrets - Page 2

OK. Here goes.
--leans closer and whispers-
"I'm really a woman".

tongue.gif  :P  :P  :o

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8th Mar, 2003 - 2:13pm / Post ID: #


Noooo wayyyyy!!!! LOL LOL LOL LOL  :smile.gif :smile.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif

You're NOT serious, don't ya?  8)

My secret kept for centuries and centuries is...*suspense music*  ;D

"I ride on a bike for first time when I was almost 10 years old!!!!!" I was so frighten to ride a bike that I used to use the little wheels until I was 10!!! yeah, shame on me,  :-/  my uncle used to laughed at me because of this and it really hurted my feelings  :'( but after I decided I could do it and I did it!  ;D (on a serious matter that's why I think it's so important to give courage to our children, they depend on it to grow and feel well about themselves, critism or jokes like that, doesn't help)  :-/

Post Date: 8th Mar, 2003 - 2:31pm / Post ID: #

A Friend

Secrets Health & Special Psychology

I completely agree about iving children courage and support. That is far better than criticism.

8th Mar, 2003 - 2:33pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 Secrets

Hey, you didn't answer my question whether your secret is a truth or a lie! I personally think you're lying but again with you, who knows! lol lol lol

Post Date: 8th Mar, 2003 - 2:59pm / Post ID: #

A Friend


Now do you REALLY think I am a woman?
:smile.gif  :smile.gif  :smile.gif
If I am, men will begin turning gay en masse.

Post Date: 16th Jul, 2003 - 9:35pm / Post ID: #

A Friend


I'm got a couple of secrets.  One I haven't spoken about in a couple of years and that was when I was telling my husband.  ;)

1)  I didn't stop sucking my thumb until I was 11 yrs. old.  
2)  I have and probably always will be deathly afraid of the dark.  I literally freeze up in a pitch dark room.  I refuse to move until the light is turned on, unless the power goes out due to a storm and then I just sit there and pray it comes back on quickly.

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Post Date: 18th Jul, 2003 - 8:29pm / Post ID: #

A Friend

Secrets - Page 2

mmmm secrets let me see!!!!!  the most secret of secrets is that  I REALLY do love msslm's hair short :hide  shhhhh dont tell ok  :T

Post Date: 24th Jul, 2003 - 7:53pm / Post ID: #

A Friend

Secrets Psychology Special & Health - Page 2

I think my deepest, darkest secret was when I caught my guy friend having sex behind the school building. With a girl who wasn't his girlfriend! I haven't had the heart to tell her, mostly because I think his girlfriend, is a nice girl... and I don't think he's ever done it again, but I don't think he's told her either... He doesn't know I saw him with the other girl. ohmy.gif

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