So, the Minister of Defense said the military had nothing to do with the hundreds of Venezuelan dead and this person says see, they promise they didn't do it. That makes her either naive, or a socialist apologist. Either way, this opinion piece is full of inaccuracies.
'I'm not going to rule out a military option' in Venezuela, Trump says. President Trump said he is keeping the option of military action on the table in dealing with the unrest in Venezuela amid an apparent power grab by President Nicolas Maduro. "We have troops all over the world in places that are very, very far away. Venezuela is not very far away and the people are suffering. And they're dying," Trump said. "We have many options for Venezuela, including a possible military option, if necessary." Ref. USAToday.
No, as the president he can never rule out any option. He always has to keep his options pen anywhere at any time. That is just the prudent thing to do. Especially with a press that is so dead set against him. The first thing they'd throw in his face if he had to rely on a military operation after saying he ruled it out would be how he went back on his word… no matter that they situation may have changed drastically.
Attack Venezuela? Trump Can't be Serious! By Ron Paul. The president seems to see war as a first solution rather than a last resort. Source 9u
Yeah, attacking Venezuela should be a last resort and in truth war should always be the last resort. No one believes that more than a soldier who has actually gone to war and seen it. More than that, what we are playing at now isn't war like WW 2. If we ever get into a war for national survival we'll see the gloves come off and people won't care about collateral damage, they'll just care about winning.
Wow, I only got as far as when the writer claimed the Miami Herald admits a prosecutor was on the US payroll and I had to stop. First, the Miami Herald doesn't know who is on the US payroll. Second, the article only said there were rumors of that… probably circulated by the Maduro government. This article is so biased and misleading it is laughable.