As Mariah is ready to leave with her friends to Olive Garden, she sees the police entering the store and approaches the mother with the child.
She softly whispers:
"Look guys! It seems like someone called 911 over the spanking!"
You have reached page 5. Please everyone, vote so we can close this one.
Look out for the next Scenario along with "Spotlight" which will be integrated into the box below too!
* Thread Closed *
Results for this game:
Most True to Life Character: (2 luck points)
LDS_forever I
Most Funny Character: (1 luck point)
Krakyn I
Most Involved: (1 luck point)
KNtoran I
Everyone wins a category this time. The Luck points will be added to your account! Check for the new L&LB RPG, there is a current Spotlight RPG open as well.